Ndomche Summary Theme – II Columns now available for Blogger
The Ndomche brand of Themes now has a new “fashion-line” for Bloggers. The first product of this line is a carbon-copy of the Ndomche Summary Theme – II Columns for WordPress 2.5
The Ndomche brand of Themes now has a new “fashion-line” for Bloggers. The first product of this line is a carbon-copy of the Ndomche Summary Theme – II Columns for WordPress 2.5
When Morgan Lighter, a friend of mine, told me that he got a strange message/warning from Google when he clicked on my website, I thought it was a joke or nothing serious and deiced not to investigate any further. I prefer writing without bothering much about what goes around the blogsphere or Googlesphere. I control […]
Microsoft Chief Executive Officer, Steve Ballmer writes a letter to Yahoo Inc, proposing to buy the Search Engine for about $44.6 billion. Microsoft tries to take advantage of the difficult period Yahoo is facing and intends to get deep down into online advertising and breakdown the Google dominance. An extract of the letter says; “While […]
Picasa, the famous Google photo organizer now has a new version for Linux – the 2.7 beta release. The release comes with a bunch of new features for image browsing, image searching and creative image export. What’s new; Formally it was necessary to have a configured Wine installation to get Picasa running on Linux – […]
After much talk about the Gphone, Google’s Engineering Director, Steve Horowitz says “there is actually no Gphone” instead there is the so-called Android platform that would permit thousands of people to create Gphones. On this video Steve together with Sergey Brin talk about the availability of the SDK(now available for download), Open Source and the […]