If you love the Google Chrome skin but don’t want to give up Firefox, or can’t give-up Firefox, as in the case of Linux users, then Chromifox Extreme 3 for Mozilla Firefox 3 can give your Firefox 3 the Chrome looks. Chromifox Extreme 3 is a continuation of the Chromifox 2 plugin that will be […]
Google Chrome 2 for Windows-only is now available for download.
… till I saw this [Click to enlarge]
Google Earth for Linux. The 3d virtual globe, map and geographic application Google Earth now has version 5 for Linux, Mac and Windows , Watch the demo video and see how the world has changed in this recent years.
After launching Google Chrome, Google went ahead to create Chromium, an open source project that intends to give a strong background to the Chrome browser. This project is Google’s move to creating a Web Community (Firefox-Style) made of builders, testers to better support Chrome. Google knows very well that, to build-up a participating- community you […]