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Firefox for Maemo 1.0 RC 3 Drops Flash Support [Firefox Mobile]

By • Jan 28th, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Another step towards a full-fledged Firefox Mobile browser was made yesterday when Mozilla announced a third release candidate for Maemo. Also known as Fennec, and often called Fennec ‘Maemo’, Firefox 1.0 for Nokia’s Maemo platform supports N900 and N810. If you’ve got RC2 installed on one of these, you’ll soon be receiving an update. An […]

Firefox for Maemo RC 1 [Firefox Mobile ]

By • Jan 1st, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Mozilla has released the first release candidate (RC1) of Firefox for Maemo, the Debian based platform developed by Nokia for smartphones and Internet Tablets. Fennec ‘Maemo’ is currently supported by Nokia N900 and N810. Users running Firefox for Maemo beta 5 will soon be prompted to update to the more stable release candidate.

Firefox Mobile: Fennec Alpha 3 for Windows Mobile

By • Sep 5th, 2009 • Filed under: Browsers, Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Mozilla’s mobile version of the Firefox browser, for smaller non-PC devices like mobile phone devices and PDAs codenamed Fennec now has an Alpha 3 version for the Windows Mobile 6 platform. The Fennec “mobile” browser is currently developed for the Linux based Maemo operating system that powers Nokia N800 and N810 Internet Tablets and for […]