
Hulu Desktop for Linux

Hulu Desktop for Linux

Hulu Labs has finally released a Linux version of their remote-controlled streaming video native client. Hulu Desktop for Linux looks like its Mac and Windows counterparts and provides support for infrared remote controls. Full-screen video on my Ubuntu 9.10 works well — for a beta its overall performance is great.
Hulu Desktop for Linux is a free download, its compatible with both Ubuntu and Fedora distributions. It is currently built on Fedora 11 and Ubuntu 9.04 but it also works smoothly on Ubuntu “Karmic Koala” 9.10.

Note: Hulu video are only available to users located in the United States. Europe, you’re still in the dark ages so you get a dark screen and a sorry message.

Download Hulu Desktop for Linux

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Cool Autumn Wallpapers for Your Desktop

A well done collection of Autumn/Fall wallpapers or backgrounds (if you prefer) for your computer; Linux or Window, it doesn’t matter. Move over to Lifehacker website and get a glimpse. The Autumn Lake wallpaper by Chris Gina for me, is just perfect.

Permit me to say the Fall backgrounds at Gnome Art have to be dumped.

via [Lifehacker]

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ThunderBrowse Extension gets better for Thunderbird 3: Try the New Version

The ThunderBrowse extension was supposed to bring Tabbed browsing to Thunderbird 2 and 3, but it ended up bringing to many tabs to Thunderbird 3. One of the major new features in Thunderbird 3 is “Tabbed Email Messages”, add to that “Thunderbrowse tab browsing” and you get a “virtual tab war”.

The new Thunderbrowse beta add-on allows you to use the in-built tabs in Thunderbird 3, that is, when you click on a link in your email, that link opens a web page in a Thunderbird 3 tab, unlike before when email links open-up in a new ThunderBrowse tab. More»

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K3b 2.0 Alpha 2: Review and Screenshots

Ubuntu/Kubuntu Linux: K3b, the popular open source full-featured CD, DVD, Blu-Ray burning and ripping application gathers momentum and heads towards version 2.0 after a year or so of no-growth. The last stable release, version 1.05 was out in late May 27, 2008. The good news is K3b 2.0 has been ported KDE 4 thanks to two developers from the Mandriva project. More»

Posted in Open-Source, Ubuntu | 4 Comments »

Google Adds Many New Designer Themes to Chrome Theme Gallery

Chrome Theme Gallery gets many more themes for your Google Chrome and Chromium browser. These new themes are not only good but are simply fantastic designer themes that take the dust off your Chrome and Chromium browser. Themes are available for Google Chrome and above only. More»

Posted in Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows | 1 Comment »

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