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The Firefox Asterisk Revealer reveals the contents of any password whose text is obscured by asterisks in an alert box using a simple JavaScript.
How often do we forget are saved passwords? very often. It takes just a few months of blogging to accumulate so many passwords, I should personally have over 15 different accounts.
So how do I recover the password I’ve saved but can’t remember any more;
Here is your account; More»
Posted in Browsers, Firefox, Security | 15 Comments »
The Mozilla Foundation explains that it is a developer preview release of Mozilla’s next generation Firefox browser and that is made available for testing purposes only.
What’s new;
– Firefox 3 Beta 1 is based on the new Gecko 1.9 Web rendering platform. Gecko written in C++, is an open source, web browser layout engine used in all Mozilla software and its derivatives, including later Netscape releases.
– A click on a sites favicon in the location bar would show the site owner,
– It includes Vista Parental Controls that disables files download.
– Also includes off-line support that enables web applications to provide off-line functionality amongst many more.
If you want to give a hand to the Mozilla Foundation by testing this beta release then go to the download page. It is available in 21 languages, certainly your would be among these. Uninstalling instructions are also available in case necessary.
Posted in Firefox | 1 Comment »
A better YouTube is a new Firefox extension that bundles up YouTube Greasemonkey scripts (allows you to change how your favourite pages behave and look) into a single and more convenient package. It help you to customize YouTube video( not only), for better viewing.
To install follow the famous three step process for installing Firefox plugins.
1. Get the new Firefox extension Better YouTube
2. If you have default security settings on your browser, you should be asked for a “permit” to use this extension. After adding this site to the list of Trusted sites, click Install Now.
3. Once successfully installed, you’ll be asked to Restart Firefox.
For now Better YouTube does not have a toolbar icon like Gmail, so each time you have to customize your YouTube video you have to go the extensions Preferences dialog(Tools > Add-ons > Better YouTube). This makes it a little boring, nonetheless it is a try-able plugin.

After installing Better YouTube, tweak around with some of it features, like turning off comments and related video or disable Autoplay. You must refresh your video page to see changes.
Better YouTube is released under the GNU/GPL License
Posted in Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Video, Windows | 4 Comments »
This Firefox extension allows you to manage multiple Gmail accounts and receive new mail notifications. It displays account details including unread messages, saved drafts, spam messages, labels with new mail, space used, and new mail snippets.
Other features include; Ability to import/export account preferences, Mailto: links detection, One-click access for loading your Gmail account
The recent update released on the 7 Nov, 2007 – fixes checking accounts for the new Gmail version.
To install just follow these three easy steps needed to install all Firefox extensions:
1. Go to Firefox Add-ons
2. If you have default security settings on your browser, you should be asked for a “permit” to use this extension. After adding this site to the list of Trusted sites, click Install Now.
3. Once successfully installed, you’ll be asked to Restart Firefox.
Posted in Email, Firefox | 1 Comment »
The Mozilla Foundation takes a break to repair the several vulnerabilities the version had. So the latest release Firefox corrects the several problems that were found in the previous release.
But the Linux Magazine says that; the vulnerabilities that version failed to fix still seem to exist in As previously, it is possible to hide part of the source code, preventing users from viewing the code in “View Page Source”. This means that attackers still have the ability to hide malicious code in their websites.
It is strongly recommend to upgrade to this latest release. If you are using Firefox 2.x, then you will receive an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can also be applied manually by selecting “Check for Updates” from the Help menu starting now.
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