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Author Archive

Docky ‘Shortcut Bar’ now Stands Alone

By • Dec 19th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Open-Source, Ubuntu

Docky an AWN look-alike hits the road all alone. Formerly integrated with GNOME Do, Docky is now an independent application that has maintained many of its goodies like the in-built plug-ins and hopes to bring in more. This application is still at an early alpha level but it’s worth a try as its even very […]

Firefox 3.6 Beta 5 Available

By • Dec 18th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Here we go again, another beta for Firefox 3.6, it’s the fifth beta and its comes with over a hundred bug fixes to improve performance, stability, security and features. Mozilla consider this release stable and safe for daily web browsing, though as it says, some features and content may change before the final product release. […]

Jane Silber to become CEO of Canonical [Ubuntu]

By • Dec 17th, 2009 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

From March next year, I’ll focus my Canonical energy on product design, partnerships and customers. Those are the areas that I enjoy most and also the areas where I can best shape the impact we have on open source and the technology market. I’m able to do this because Jane Silber, who has been COO […]

KeyboardNavigation for Google Chrome Tries to keep the Mouse Away

By • Dec 16th, 2009 • Filed under: Linux Tips and Tricks, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

After installing this extension, activate it with the keyboard shortcut Alt+G and it will put a number next to every link on the web page. You can navigate by simply typing in one of those numbers next to the link. You can also open up web pages in new tabs, press g and when “Open […]

Stop Firefox from Opening a new White Tab with NewTabURL

By • Dec 15th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Mac, Linux, Windows: Firefox by default offers a white space when you open a new tab. Chromium for example by default opens the Speed Dials. If you’re not happy with Firefox’s white space tab thing than grab NewTabURL. This extension offers three possibilities; it lets you open a custom URL when opening a new tab; […]