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Author Archive

Firefox for Maemo 1.0 RC 2 [Firefox Mobile]

By • Jan 9th, 2010 • Filed under: Firefox, Ubuntu, Windows

The second release candidate (RC 2) of Firefox for Maemo is out out. RC1 was the the most updated version before this release. Firefox for Maemo rc 2 now uses the latest version of the Gecko layout engine – Gecko 1.9.2 RC1 and major performance issues that affected Nokia N900 smartphone have been resolved. If […]

Boxee Beta Now Available for All Platforms

By • Jan 7th, 2010 • Filed under: Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

For Windows, Mac, Linux: Boxee, the cross-platform open source, media center – a branch of XBMC has now released its first official beta for all platforms, Linux/Ubuntu included – Boxee beta has a pre-compiled Deb package for Ubuntu, but I’m sure it will work on other Debian based Linux distros, so all tricks formerly used […]

gWallpapers rotates your Wallpapers in a given Time Interval

By • Jan 6th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Linux: gWallpaper is a tiny application that takes wallpapers in various local folders in your Linux PC and automatically rotates them – and that’s it. To install in Ubuntu 9.10, add the gWallpapers repository to your software sources list: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:haliner/ppa, update and install with sudo apt-get install gwallpapers . Application -> Accessories -> […]

Ubuntu 10.04 ‘Lucid Lynx’ to include a Manual for beginners

By • Jan 5th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

The Ubuntu Wiki seems to suggest that Ubuntu 10.04 LTS code named Lucid Lynx will include a “complete beginners manual for Ubuntu, featuring comprehensive guides, How Tos and information on anything you need to know after first installing Ubuntu.”

How to install Boxee in Ubuntu 9.10 ‘Karmic’

By • Jan 5th, 2010 • Filed under: Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu

Ubuntu 9.10 lovers of Boxee, the cross-platform open source, media center – a branch of XBMC that focuses on the social network, should have noticed that there are no Boxee repositories for Ubuntu 9.10 – and no pre-complied Deb packages too.