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Author Archive

Ubuntu 8.10 ‘Intrepid Ibex’ reaches End of Life on April 30

By • Mar 30th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Security, Ubuntu

Users of Ubuntu 8.10 alias Intrepid Ibex its now time to move ahead, the support period of Ubuntu 8.10 released on October 30, 2008 is now nearing its end and Intrepid Ibex will reach end of life on Frclassay, April 30, 2010 – At that time Canonical will no longer provide this operating system with […]

Opera Browser, Widgets as standalone Applications [Opera 10.5x]

By • Mar 27th, 2010 • Filed under: Opera-Browser, Ubuntu, Windows

Opera 10.51 (and 10.52) for Linux has been completely rewritten from scratch, with the hope of resolving long time outstanding issues says Ruari, one of Opera’s developers in this blog post. Apart the code overhaul (the .rpm and .deb packages have cleaner post-install and pre-uninstall scripts and the tarball install script is entirely replaced, added […]

Miro 3.0 adds Subtitles and Video Converter

By • Mar 26th, 2010 • Filed under: Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Video, Windows

The open source cross-platform Internet TV, Miro, has been updated to version 3.0 – with many new entry features like subtitles, that users can select from the drop down menu or load their own external subtitle files, higher max volume 2x/3x, play-externally right-click menu. Miro 3.0 is also faster than previous version, its said to […]

Google Chrome Beta Linux adds Automatic Translations and Privacy Options

By • Mar 25th, 2010 • Filed under: Open-Source, Ubuntu

Google Chrome Beta channel for Linux gets new features, the new update also fixes an issue with Google SSL sites failing with ‘error 107. Chrome 5.0.342.7 beta offers users greater control over content for privacy by adding the Privacy Options menu that helps you better filter web content, settings can differ from site to site.

Xine, VLC and GStreamer Engines in Gnome Media Player [First Stable Release]

By • Mar 25th, 2010 • Filed under: Multimedia, Open-Source, Ubuntu

Linux users have a whole bunch of free media players at their disposition, from popular media players like VLC to less popular like whatever,, they often use the same codecs but never use the same user interface, their peculiarity often lies in the UI. Different media players are good at playing different media types, VLC […]