Filezilla 3.0 – FTP File Transfer for Linux

If you are tired of the rather problematic gFTP that comes as a pre-installed in Linux distros like Ubuntu, like I am, then get Filezilla 3.0. Filezilla is a popular open source, FTP file transfer client and now cross-platform. Windows users know it well, Linux users have the chance to appreciate its capabilites with the first version for Linux. It is simple to use, with an intuitive interface. If you’ve used it on Windows then you would’nt have any problems even though some options have been moved
On Ubuntu install it with
sudo apt-get install filezilla
If you prefer tweaking, then get the source codes
N:B When uploading files make sure you choose the right transfer mode; ASCII or Bitmap. The option are found on “Settings” under the “Edit” tool menu. Auto might still corrupt your files.