The gOS operating system for gPC

gOS, the name says it all, maybe, it is rather a difficult product to present, for a simple reason, it is unique of it’s type. The producer says “consumers, who use Linux and open-source software are rare” so the need to come out with what they call “An alternative OS for the masses” — released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
The “g” in gOS operating system, does not stand for Google, no, the “g” doesn’t stand for anything but gOS has six Google applications loaded; gMail (Google’s e-mail product), Gtalk, a direct link to video on YouTube, a calendar, maps and news. Other pre-installed software are Mozilla Firefox, Meebo, Skype, Wikipedia, GIMP, Xing Movie Player, Rhythmbox, Faqly, Facebook and 2.2 (includes Writer, Impress, Draw, Calc, Base) . Other products could eventually be installed by the user; Dave Liu, the founder of gOS, the California start-up that built the open-source operating system says even an iPod will work on gPC

The gOS will run a Green gPC produced by Everex (we are in a gWorld) and this so called gPC will be sold online at and in about 600 Wal-Mart stores at a give-out price of $199, monitors not included.
If you don’t need the gPC but want to try-out gOS, it is now downloadable and would run any PC. gOS is Open Source even though it is not released under the GNU GPL. They thank the Ubuntu 7.10 community for their contribution to gOS and the world.