Grab the latest version of Skype for Linux

Skype 1.4 for Linux has been finally released. Even though Skype is not an Open Source client and many hard-core Open Source Voip users prefer WengoPhone [Update: April 14, 2009] WengoPhone is now known as QuteCom, Asterick and others, Skype still remains the most used Voice-Over-Ip client and the 1.4 version for Linux includes two remarkable features;
- Call forwarding. Forward your Skype calls to a phone or mobile.
Birthday reminders. Automatically receive an alert on your contacts birthday.
Of course, that info needs to be in your Contact Profile for that feature to come up.
With the call forwarding you pay only the regular per-minute rate to your callers destination. If they are on Skype as well as you, that call is free, naturally.
Download Skype from their website or go to the Skype corporate blog and learn for more about the new release and the bugs that have been fixed in this new version.