Wine 1.1.29 fixes Adobe Reader 9.10 Upgrade Fails

Wine gets a development release today. Version 1.1.29 is a developemnt release that fixes bugs found in the previous version. Amongst the many bug fixes, the worth noting are;
- Crash when loading Vampire – The Maquerade – Redemption
- VB 3.0: Installation fails
- AVG Free 7.1 fails due to missing or broken DLLs
- Microsoft Money 2001 can’t open saved files
- World of Warcraft WotLK crashes randomly after login
- Adobe Reader 9.10 upgrade fails
- Word Viewer crash at the end of the installation
- Word Viewer 2003 – installs extra files? (appinstall)
But Wine 1.1.29 also comes with a new features. Now added is support for JPEG and PNG formats in WindowsCodecs. Use of external Linux libmpg123 for mp3 decoding and improved Gecko integration by using Wine’s network layers, as well as regression test fixes for Win64 and Windows 7.
Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of Linux and Unix. For the complete changelog list hit the link below and move-on.