Miro 2.5 RC2 Released

The final edition of Miro 2.5 will soon hit the road, but for now grab the second release candidate of Miro 2.5. Very few changes seem to have been made to this second release candidate apart a few tweaks on the database and on VLC rendering code used on Miro for Windows.
This will be the final round of testing of Miro before its release, so if you can give the team a hand in bug reports that will be very positive.
Installing Miro 2.5 rc2 on Windows is very simple and straight-forward, but on Ubuntu you need to get around all the many dependencies. Have a look on how to get about it: Get your Hands on Miro 2.5 RC1
Download Miro 2.5 RC2 ~ Miro 2.5-rc2 – check it out!