WordPress – How to offer RSS Author Feeds to your Readers

Many blogs out there have multiple authors/contributors but very few offer RSS feeds according to the author, if that is the case of your weblog, then why not do something about it. The advantage is, a reader could prefer not subscribing to the blog feeds but to a particular author/contributor that covers a niche he/she prefers. In simple terms – Or I subscribe to “that” author/contributor or I don’t subscribe at all.
On blogs that write on Operating Systems like Windows, Mac and Linux, I’ll simply subscribe to the Linux author, so doing, I’ll not have to read on Mac and Windows that do not interest me. If not, often I prefer not to subscribe than to get all that “junk”.
This simple code can help you out.
< ?php wp_list_authors
(‘exclude_admin=0&show_fullname=1&hide_empty=1&feed_image=’ . get_bloginfo(‘template_url’) . ‘/images/rss.gif&feed=XML’ ); ?>
It is a customization of the – wp list authors – template tag.
Place it on your sidebar or where ever. Also place a syndicate feed image in your image folder and name it rss.gif. Otherwise edit the line ‘images/rss.gif.
If you prefer text, instead of an image to represent feeds then edit
‘/images/rss.gif&feed=XML’ to ‘RSS&feed=RSS’
That’s all folks. View this code in use Here at the sidebar, under contributors.