Short Links by StumbleUpon

With is a new service by StumbleUpon that permits you to shorten a URL and share it across Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon. It’s a closed beta, and you need an invitation to get-in.
The dashboard helps you to track-down how many times your links have been shared and across which web services. then makes it easy for you to controll how many times each link has been clicked and/or retweeted.
As TechCrunch says, given that “ is plugged into Stumbleupon, gives each link an extra distribution push. Each link can then be voted upon by the StumbleUpon community, and if it becomes popular, it can take on a new life”.
Authors Notes: Being a fan of StumbleUpon its good to know it fighting its way back, to what it was a few years back. Having StumbleUpon, Facebook and Twitter in one place is just great.
[Update] is no longer labeled Beta. THe service is now available to the general public. A Supr plugin is also provided for integration with WordPress blogs. With this plugin you can automatically post a link and blog title to Twitter and Facebook each time you update your blog;
- Customize your post or one click post with your blog title
- Host short URLs on your own domain
- Search engine friendly short URLs (301 redirect)
- Drive more traffic with the self-hosted StumbleUpon toolbar
via [TechCrunch] |