Nokia N8, the first Symbian^3 Smartphone

Nokia N8 with open source Symbian platform version 3 atop has been launched, but reviews from TechCrunch and Mobile-Review are not so positive – It seems Nokia can’t really deliver an iPhone beater. “Symbian 3 adds a raft of iPhone-style multi-touch controls, including pinch to zoom. It also presents three home screens full of apps and widgets. Nokia said the OS also features improved 2D and 3D graphics for a faster and more responsive UI, greater memory management and a visual task manager.” source Reghardware
The N8 boasts of a 12 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, Xenon flash, 360 x 640 touchscreen, 16GB of internal storage, HD 720p Video plabyback on HD TV through HDMI cable, 5 hours of video playback and 3G talk time and a surprisingly low cost, €370 – More Nokia N8 Specifications