Download and Install Amarok 2.1 Nuliajuk Beta 1

Amarok 2.1 beta 1 paves the way for a more stable and more featured Amarok 2.1. The release notes talk of the re-appearance of old goodies alongside new ones like; cue sheet (a text file that details the layout of tracks on a compact disc) support as in Amarok 1.4, an easy to use drag ‘n’ drop playlist, bookmarks that permit you to save and share your favourite findings, fastening up the re-load of heavy playlist, and of course a better User Interface.
Other Features:
– Cue Sheets are now supported as in Amarok 1.4, plus each cue entry (usually a track) will be displayed as a timecode on the Progress Bar with a nice onMouseOver popup.
– The Playlist Browser can now show playlists from multiple sources, including media devices.
– The service now allows for the playing of all types of user stations (personal, loved tracks, recommendations, and neighborhood).
– Cover art can now be disabled in the collection browser.
– More >>
To install in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid, you’ll have to add the PPA (Personal Package Archive) for Kubuntu Members – KDE 4 Repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list
-This repository also serves to install and obtain updates for KDE 4.0 on Ubuntu
Now install Amarok 2.1 beta 1 with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install amarok-kde4
– Be ready to report bugs to the developer team.
As said above you can also install KDE 4.0 on your Ubuntu from the same repository with sudo apt-get install kde4-core
After the installation, logout. On login screen, click Sessions, and select KDE 4.0. You can now run the KDE Desktop environment on Ubuntu.