Mozilla readmits Conduit Toolbars on Mozilla Add-ons (AMO) Firefox

In a recent update of its Add-on Policies, Mozilla readmits the once forbclassden Conduit toolbars on Mozilla Add-ons, also known as AMO. Conduit toolbars generated with tools from Conduit were removed from AMO principally because of their ‘poor’ quality and privacy standards. Mozilla and Conduit paired up to work on security and privacy issues on Conduit toolbars with the aim of making them acceptable again on AMO.
Now Conduit add-ons are allowed on AMO, but to make sure they are all held to the same standards, only add-ons authored by the official Conduit account; CONDUIT-AMO will be accepted for review. If you’re interested in listing your Conduit add-on on AMO, contact Conduit about it.
Other recent Add-on Policies
Adding ads to web pages is strictly forbclassden: Mozilla will not allow any add-ons using FatPlug on AMO. FatPlug framework helped some add-on developers to quickly monetize their browser extensions. When Firefox users install an add-on packed with FatPlug, they end up seeing advertisements from FatPlug’s ad-network in place of ads that would normally appear in their browser. AMO finds it unacceptable that some developers want to take advantage of their add-ons, for financial gain, at the expense of user control.
Private Browsing Mode Support: Beginning April, PBM support will become a requirement.
– If your add-on stores browsing data in any way, it must support PBM. This support cannot be disabled in any way, not even with hidden preferences.
– If your add-on stores some other type of personal data, support for PBM is optional.
via [Mozilla Add-ons Blog]