Trying to get the best out of Get-You

Get-You is a free and open source tool for Mac, Windows and Linux, that provides video clips from various channels like YouTube, DailyMotion, MyVideo, Clipfish, Yahoo-Video, GoogleVideo, Metacafe, Netlog, ContsantComedy etc.
It is no cutting edge project, no, better get Miro, but it’s worth a try — Often the video you’re searching for is not on YouTube, maybe you’ll find it at DailyMotion, or with better quality somewhere else say GoogleVideo – so why not sort it out with a click.

To install on your Ubuntu box, add to your /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo echo “deb hardy main”
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install get-you
sudo get-you
– At Edit -> Settings -> Download tab, choose your download path.
– Get-You uses FFmpeg to convert stream audio and video.
– To take-off a non-functional or unwanted video channel go to /usr/lib/getyou/plugins/search and delete the respective jar file — need to be root
– This application has a few bugs and runs better as root.
via [Get-You]