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Personas Updates and Permits you to Randomly load your Favorite Skins

By • Oct 2nd, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Mozilla Lab has released a new version of the Firefox add-on Personas -- that brings on-the-fly lightweight “Skins”to your Firefox web browser. Personas v1.3 adds a new curious feature: “Random Selection from Favorites” (shown on screenshot) that lets you to randomly wear your favorite skins on your Firefox browser. To use this feature, you’ll have […]

Style your Firefox Browser with Harry Potter Personas

By • Jul 17th, 2009 • Filed under: Firefox, Open-Source, Ubuntu, Windows

Mozilla’s Personas now has a Film Category that is lead by the exciting art from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Personas, the Firefox extension that adds on-the-fly custom artwork to your browser, has been downloaded more than 6 million times over the pasts three months says the Mozilla Blog and its community gallery has […]

Personas the Live Firefox Theme Loader

By • Dec 19th, 2007 • Filed under: Firefox

Personas is a Firefox extension that adds lightweight theming to your browser. Creared by Mozilla Labs vice president Chris Beard, Personas is a Firefox add-on prototype that helps you instantly load custom artwork to the Firefox chrome, including the toolbars, tabs, and status bar – without having to restart your browser.