The Fedora Project releases Fedora 8.0.1

The Fedora Project released last week the 2.6.23 based kernel Fedora 8. Fedora is a leading and well maintained Linux distros that packs-up both KDE and Gnome desktops into the same release. Fedora 8 includes the new Gnome 2.20 with a revamped control panel applet, and uses KDE 3.5.8. The KDE 4 is still a Beta and is available in the repository. The release notes says, it also includes better support for Bluetooth devices with better graphical and system integration. It comes with the PulseAudio sound server that is gaining more grounds with respect to other audio systems.
The Fedora Project distributes Fedora 8 in many ways; including the LiveCD or USB flash disk images that allows you to install over an Internet connection (you’re advised to use the LiveCD). Fedora can also be installed on an Intel-Macintosh without any particular system configuration.The Fedora Project is a community maintained project, sponsored by Red Hat.