Discover and Share your Favourite Websites Without Installing StumbleUpon Toolbar

All lovers of StumbleUpon use the traditional StumbleUpon toolbar for Mozilla and Internet Explorer to discover and share with friends their favourite websites. Given that other browsers like Opera, Safari, or Prism- the web app launcher and more do not support this toolbar for now, what can StumbleUpon fans, who use these browsers do to overcome this issue? The solution comes from Digital Inspiration blog, that offers a free “virtual toolbar” that works on most of the modern browsers including Mozilla Prism and other browsers that StumbleUpon doesn’t provide support like Opera .

To see how it works, click on this URL -> StumbleUpon Demo and the StumbeUpon toolbar would be loaded at the top of your browser all through the session.
To visit a particular website, while using the toolbar, just paste the url of the webpage after the demo url; that is would become for example
To Discover and submit a site or webpage to Stumbleupon visit and paste the url of the webpage in the text field. Adds tags and Review.
Update:Wed Sept 17 2008: Also try on emerging browsers like MozSwing and Lobo Browser.
via [Digital Inspiration]