Canonical adds commercial software into Ubuntu

Canonical Ltd, the official sponsor of Ubuntu surprises Ubuntu users and non by adding commercial software into Ubuntu via the Ubuntu Partner Repository. The Ubuntu Partner Repository (Applications -> Add/Remove -> Third Party Applications) that originally included the Opera Browser and the VMware Server now includes the Parallels Workstation.
Parallels formerly known as Swsoft is a global leader in virtualization and automation software that optimizes computing for consumers, businesses and service providers across all major hardware, operating system and virtualization platforms, says Canonical Ltd.
The Parallels Workstation for Linux is a 15 day trial version that can be transformed into a full fleshed version by buying a key through Canonical’s store.
It is difficult to find a reason that explains why Canonicaldecided to follow other Linux distributions likes Linspire that include commercial or proprietary software, fully knowing that such a move calls for a lot of criticism.
By the way, the Ubuntu Partner Repository in Ubuntu 8.04 already includes a full working version of the VMware Server that could be a direct competitor to Parallels Workstation but has no costs